Thursday, November 25, 2010

Funniest thing that i has done!

nak tahu kenapa aku buat tittle mcm tuh?
begini ceritanye..

Masa: 08.00pagi - 09.45pagi
Tarikh keramat: 24 nov 2010
Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1

"Calon-calon dikehendaki mengisi butiran pada muka surat hadapan kertas jawapan, kemudian baca arahan yang terdapat di bahagian hadapan kertas soalan." ketua pengawas mengarahkan calon berbuat demikian....
huh! benda yang sama calon harus buat...
bengong? kao dah lah nak jawab lagi cakap macam tuh!
selepas selesai membaca arahan anda dibenarkan untuk menjawab soalan..

bila aku bukak je kertas soalan aku ingat nak melonjak macam beruk tapi bila tengok muka pengawas yang duduk kt depan aku terus terbantut nak meloncat bagai orang gilak! haha~
akuh buat dengan hati yang sangat gumbira kerana soalannye begitu senang sekali meyh!
tapi disebabkan itu jugaklah aku cuai...

tahu ape story aku?
haa ini dia storynya..

Bahagian B (4)

Question : Write a story begining with: "It had been raining all day..."

Answer for those Question is
It had been raining all day, I was alone at home because my family went to my cousin's event at hometown. They will come back at tomorrow. 
At 8pm, it was blackout. then I heard some noise in the kicthen. I slowlly came down to see what happen in the kitchen. I swicth on the lamp and saw my cat were chasing a little rat because hungry. Suddenly I remember that I don't gave my cat ate yet. Then I gave my cat something to eat. When I look at the floor, the egg were every where and some rubbish at there. It is so messy in the kitchen. Then I cleaned up the kitchen before my mum came back home. She does not like when someone had 'disturb' her kitcher. She will turn red if someone doing messy around with her. 
After I finished swept the kitchen, I went back to my room and continoud read novels with some help from my cell phone to light up the room. In the middle of midnight, it was continous raining. I heard some noise in the hall room. I thaught it was my cat but this noise were really different than my cat. before I went to check out, I took my baseball to knock out the thieves when he broke into the hall. After that, I slowly came down and sat behind the door. I saw a shadow of a man at the outside of house. When the door is opened, I quickly knock down the thieves and I heard "Ouch! Amin, it me!". Boy so embarassing. It was my brother who I thought a thieves broke into my house. A few minute later, my parent came home early. I asked them why came back so early and they said that the event were finished at 12 midnight...................................

pastuh aku x ingat ape lagi yang aku merepek kt atas kertas tuh..
The moral 0f the story is : try to read back what have you write in...

bodoh sungguh aku neyh...
aku pasti! pemeriksa mesti tergelak sakan membaca cerita ini sampai habis~

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